Austrian Pine Pillow - Relaxing Pillow with Bioactive Pine Propolis
Austrian Pine Pillow
Relaxing Pillow with Bioactive Pine Propolis
Product details
How to use
Austrian Pine Pillow – the Relaxing pillow
More than just a pillow, our Austrian pine pillow is a true wellness pillow.
Filled with organic millet husks and fine Austrian pine shavings enriched with powerful St. John’s wort extract, it promotes inner calm and relaxation.
The core contains different pine balsams and extracts, as well as essential extracts of propolis to promote sleep hygiene with a pampering fragrance.
The King of the Alps – The Austrian Pine tree - has truly special properties that help it survive the extremes of a high alpine climate:
Stability, serenity and a vital resistance against the most prolific diseases. Scientific studies have shown that the properties of the pine tree can also be used to benefit humans.
This much is clear: The balsams and essential oils stored in the wood have wonderful sensory qualities that have been cherished in the Austrian Alps for hundreds of years.
Austrian Pine wood not only has a harmonizing fragrance, it also promotes inner calm which can help one to sleep, which in turn helps to make you feel good.
It also has special anti-bacterial properties which help fight against bacterial growth.
Art. No. 8611-US